Luxury handbags, be it Chanel, Hermes or any other high-end brand, if maintained and taken care of properly, then over the years, its value boosts. High-end bags have become one of the most sought after investment avenue. If you own a luxury handbag, you can fetch amazing returns on your investment. But before you plan to sell your coveted bag, you must first get a handbag appraisal.
A handbag appraisal online would give you an accurate value of your precious piece. It is the useful for you if your bag gets appraised by an expert valuer. You can then decide on the asking price for your handbag.
Various factors impact the price of a handbag, and its condition is the most important of them all. Let’s learn some tips on how to maintain a luxury bag to preserve its value.
Use ‘Purse Pillow’ To Keep it in Shape
Retaining the original shape of your luxury handbag is essential. Different textiles are used to craft a bag, be it leather or canvas. For example, leather with time softens and stretches, and if it is not maintained properly, it will lose its beautiful shape. To make sure that it stays in perfect shape, use purse pillow or fabric insert when you store it. Close all zippers and fasteners. Also, ensure you do not hang the bag by its strap or handles. Keep it straight in an upright position on the shelf.
Prestige Valuations is a handbag valuation company, their experts offer reliable and accurate appraisal value. They also provide watch appraisal and jewelry valuation services.
Save from Heat & Humidity
You must keep your coveted handbag in a place that is climate-controlled. Remember that light, heat and humidity can have negative impact on the bag material, especially leather. To save your bag from dust and debris, you can use a dust bag that allows air flow. Plastic bags are not suitable for storing leather or fabric handbags.
Take Care of the Lining
When it comes to the resale of your precious bag, it is important to take care of the inner lining as well. It is recommended to use an insert so that no wear and tear happens. Try to avoid carrying liquid makeup in your bag, as it can spill and spoil the lining. Not just the lining but the exterior is also important, in fact it is the first thing a buyer will be looking at. So, make sure there are no stains and scratches.
Cleaning your Bag
It is necessary to clean your handbag periodically if you use it regularly. When you store your bag, then also it is recommended that you first clean your bag with a soft cloth, especially if its leather. When you see any broken thread, stains, loose accessory or wear and tear, reach the luxury brand and they can repair or refurbish the piece. Or you can approach leather repair shops or nearby tailors.
Handbag Appraisal Online
A handbag appraisal online will let you the correct worth of your coveted luxury handbag. This will give you an idea about the asking price that a buyer might be ready to pay you. It also comes in handy for insurance purposes as an insurance company will require a certified document from an expert appraiser.
There are various factors that impact the price of your handbag when you plan resell it. You bag’s brand, model and condition are the most important ones.
Few Investment-Worthy Handbags
We are mentioning here a few brands and models of Handbags that are investment worthy-
1. Chanel: It was Chanel that launched the first ever handbag featuring a strap. Since then brand has been growing. Fashionistas want to flaunt Chanel bags and this demand has resulted in making them investment worthy assets.
2. Hermes: Kelly and Birkin Bags from the Hermes brand are also the sought-after handbags for the investment purpose. The Kelly bag was christened after the name of top American actress Grace Kelly. Apart from the iconic Kelly bag, 30 years later, the brand launched another designer bag, named after the famous French-English actress and singer Jane Birkin.
To get an idea what price these coveted bags fetch at auctions, we are mentioning a few of the resale prices. Chanel’s Fuchsia Alligator Small Classic Flap Bag was sold for $21,250. A Birkin Himalayan Niloticus Crocodile Diamond Retourné Kelly bag was sold for over $515,000.